Use reversals to modify existing things.
Reverse Who - Person, people, group, etc.
- Reverse roles?
- Reverse psychology?
Reverse What - Factor, element, part, component, feature, attribute, trait, quality, aspect, characteristic, facet, issue, subject, source, cause, effect, etc.
- What can be reversed?
- What might be improved by reversing?
- What are the opposites?
- What bipolar concepts are relevant to this situation?
- What are the poles of each concept?
- What are the good points of a bad situation?
- What are the bad points of a good situation?
- What can be inverted?
- What flows can be reversed?
- What logic can be reversed?
- What values can be reversed?
- What signs (+/-) can be changed?
- What assumptions can be reversed?
Reverse When - Time related, at what time, etc.
- When can the phases be reversed?
- When can the frequency be reversed?
- When can the situation go backwards?
- When can the turnaround take place?
Reverse Where - Place, location, setting, scene, etc.
- Where could you locate that is opposite from where you are at now?
- Where can the turnaround take place?
Reverse Why - Reason, purpose, cause, etc.
- Why would you want to move in an opposite direction?
- Are there any benefits from moving backwards?
Reverse How – Process, manner in which something done, etc.
- How can the processes be reversed?
- How can it be reverse engineered?
- How can the problem be turned into an opportunity?
Synonyms for “Reverse”: Backward, Opposite, Invert, Contrary, Turn Around
Related tool: Sequential Attributes Matrix.