Commitment Chart
Determine the minimum stakeholder commitments required to succeed.
Commitment Chart tool helps identify the minimum commitment from each stakeholder necessary for success. It is also a natural complement to the Stakeholder Analysis tool.
To create Commitment Chart:
Step 1: Make a six column table (see table below).
Step 2: Label the first column “Stakeholders”. Label the other column headings: “Make It Happen”, “Help It Happen”, “Let It Happen”, “No Commitment”, and “Against”.
Step 3: List the stakeholders down the far left-hand column.
Step 4: For each stakeholder, determine the minimum level of commitment that is necessary for success. Mark an “O” in the respective column box.
Step 5: After locating the desired state “O” for a stakeholder, you then locate the present state and mark the box with an “X”.
Step 6: Develop a strategy to move everyone to the desired state of commitment.
Diagram of our Commitment Chart: